How to Escape Curly Braces in Python f-strings

If you have been working with Python for a while, you are probably familiar with f-strings, which are a concise and convenient way to format strings in Python. However, there might be situations where you need to include curly braces {} in your f-strings as literal characters, rather than as placeholders for variable substitution. In this article, we will explore how to escape curly braces in Python f-strings.

What are f-strings?

Before we dive into escaping curly braces, let’s quickly recap what f-strings are and how they work. Introduced in Python 3.6, f-strings provide a concise syntax for creating formatted strings. They allow you to embed expressions inside string literals, making it easier to include variables and expressions in your strings.

To create an f-string, you simply prefix the string literal with the letter f or F. Inside the string, you can include expressions enclosed in curly braces {}. These expressions will be evaluated and replaced with their values at runtime.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the usage of f-strings:

name = "Alice"
age = 25
print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.")


My name is Alice and I am 25 years old.

As you can see, the expressions inside the curly braces are evaluated and replaced with their respective values.

The Problem: Escaping Curly Braces

Now, let’s say you want to include curly braces as literal characters in your f-string. For example, you might want to print a message that includes curly braces without any variable substitution. If you simply include the curly braces inside the f-string, Python will interpret them as placeholders and raise a ValueError if they are not properly formatted.

Here’s an example that demonstrates the issue:

message = f"{{This is a message with curly braces}}"


ValueError: Single '}' encountered in format string

As you can see, Python raises a ValueError because it interprets the single closing curly brace as the end of the placeholder.

Solution: Double Curly Braces

To escape curly braces in f-strings, you can use double curly braces {{}}. When Python encounters double curly braces inside an f-string, it treats them as a single curly brace and includes it as a literal character in the resulting string.

Let’s modify our previous example to include double curly braces:

message = f"{{{{This is a message with curly braces}}}}"


{{This is a message with curly braces}}

As you can see, the double curly braces are treated as a single curly brace and included in the output.

Additional Examples

Let’s explore a few more examples to solidify our understanding of escaping curly braces in f-strings.

Example 1: Including a Single Curly Brace

brace = "{"
print(f"This is an opening curly brace: {brace}")


This is an opening curly brace: {

In this example, we include a single opening curly brace as a literal character in the f-string.

Example 2: Including Multiple Curly Braces

braces = "{{{}}}"
print(f"This is a set of three curly braces: {braces}")


This is a set of three curly braces: {{}}

In this example, we include three curly braces as a literal character in the f-string.

Example 3: Escaping Curly Braces in Expressions

x = 10
y = 20
result = f"{{{{x}}} + {{{{y}}}}} = {x + y}"


{10} + {20} = 30

In this example, we include the values of x and y inside double curly braces as literal characters, and also perform an addition operation inside the f-string.


In this article, we have explored how to escape curly braces in Python f-strings. By using double curly braces {{}}, we can include curly braces as literal characters in our f-strings without triggering variable substitution. This technique can be useful when you need to include curly braces in your output strings for various purposes. Remember to use double curly braces whenever you want to escape curly braces in f-strings.