How to Fix the SyntaxError: Invalid Character in Identifier in Python

If you have encountered the error message “SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier” in Python, don’t worry! This error is quite common and can be easily fixed. In this article, we will explore what this error means, why it occurs, and how to resolve it.

What is the SyntaxError: Invalid Character in Identifier?

The error message “SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier” indicates that there is a character in the middle of a variable name, function, or any other identifier that is not a letter, number, or underscore. The error message usually includes the line number where the error occurred, making it easier to locate the problematic code.

How to Fix the SyntaxError: Invalid Character in Identifier in Python
How to Fix the SyntaxError: Invalid Character in Identifier in Python

Here’s an example of the error message:

File "", line 5
    values = list(analysis.values ())
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

In this case, the error occurred on line 5, where there is an invalid character in the identifier.

Why Does the SyntaxError: Invalid Character in Identifier Occur?

There are a few common reasons why this error may occur:

1. Copying Formatted Code:

One common cause of this error is copying code from sources like StackOverflow or a PDF file. When you copy code from these sources, non-printing characters, such as zero-width spaces, may be included in the copied text. These characters are not visible and can cause the “invalid character in identifier” error.

2. Incorrect Indentation:

Another possible reason for this error is incorrect indentation. Python relies on proper indentation to determine the structure of the code. If the code is not indented correctly, it can lead to a SyntaxError.

3. Typos or Incorrect Syntax:

Typos or incorrect syntax can also result in the “invalid character in identifier” error. For example, using spaces instead of underscores in variable names or using double equal signs instead of a single equal sign can trigger this error.

How to Fix the SyntaxError: Invalid Character in Identifier

Now that we understand the possible causes of this error, let’s explore some solutions to fix it.

1. Remove Invalid Characters:

If you suspect that the error is caused by invalid characters, the first step is to identify and remove them. One way to do this is to copy the problematic line of code into a Python interpreter and examine the string. Let’s take an example:

s = '    values ​​= list(analysis.values ​​())'

Running this code will output:

    values ​​= list(analysis.values ​​())

As we can see, there are some invisible characters present in the string. In this case, the character causing the error is the zero-width space (U+200B). To fix the error, simply delete the line and retype it manually, ensuring that no invalid characters are included.

2. Check Indentation:

If the error is caused by incorrect indentation, make sure to check the indentation of the line where the error occurred. Python uses consistent indentation to define the structure of the code. Ensure that all lines within a block have the same level of indentation, typically using four spaces or a tab.

3. Verify Syntax and Variable Names:

Double-check the syntax and variable names in your code. Look for any typos or incorrect syntax that may be causing the error. For example, ensure that you are using a single equal sign for assignment (=) instead of a double equal sign for comparison (==). Also, make sure that variable names follow the rules for valid identifiers in Python, which include using only letters, numbers, and underscores.


The “SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier” error in Python can be resolved by removing any invalid characters, checking indentation, and verifying syntax and variable names. It is important to pay attention to detail when writing code to avoid such errors. Remember to double-check any code you copy from external sources to ensure that it does not contain any hidden characters. By following these steps, you can overcome this error and continue coding with Python.